Unfortunately it’s no longer available right now, so there isn’t any One Piece game that you can download in the Game Pass library. One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 was once available to Xbox Game Pass subscribers quite some time ago. While it does a solid job of getting the look and mood of the series down, One Piece Odyssey unfortunately offers little more than a very basic RPG adventure. A pirate world to explore Although there are still many details to be revealed, the video game is developed with Unreal Engine and has a graphic aspect similar to manga and anime. It wouldn’t be the first time a One Piece game made its way to Game Pass either. So far so good, Ive been really enjoying this game and am glad to have found such a great price for.

Scarlet Nexus, Dragon FighterZ, and Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Remastered are some of the games from the publisher which are currently available to download on Game Pass at the time of this writing. No English voice audio, but perhaps thats for the best. Bandai Namco has lent a few of their games to its library. That being said, One Piece Odyssey may still be coming to Game Pass some time in the future. You’ll have to purchase the full game if you want to play it when it releases on January 10, 2023. The combat is a blast with plenty of nuances to master, but the pacing of the game is. There are currently no plans to put One Piece Odyssey on Game Pass. One Piece Odyssey is an RPG that fans of the anime may appreciate, but it isn’t without its issues. Let’s talk about One Piece Odyssey potentially being on Xbox Game Pass. This isn’t the first time a Bandai Namco game has been on the Microsoft subscription platform so there’s a chance that this game will be a part of its library. You may be interested to see One Piece Odyssey on Game Pass.